North Cascades | Mountain Loop Area
Location: 48.260004, -121.604768
Summit Elevation: 540′
Lookout Type: Old fire platform on ranger station barn
Site Established: 1916
Current Structure Built: 1916
Date Visited: 7/29/18
The historic Darrington Ranger Station barn built in 1916 might be one of the more unique fire lookout sites in Washington State. Indeed this barn had a fire finder on its roof in the 1930s-40s and was used for training, making it a still standing Washington State fire lookout.
Photos from 2018.
A firefinder sat atop the barn at the Darrington Ranger Station and was used to train lookouts from 1934 through the 1940s. The Forest Service’s annual Fire School used the Ranger Station lookout in association with the Whitechuck Bench Lookout.

From Darrington on Highway 530, turn north on Railroad Avenue and follow 0.3 miles to the intersection with Price Street. You can either turn onto Forest Lane and drive right near the barn or park at the gravel parking area for the Whitehorse Trail, then hike a short distance until the barn appears on the right.