Stories from an off-grid Methow winter in a tiny 19' Airstream with double-digit negative temperatures and a comedic amount of snow!
Airstream Life
Full time living in a 19′ Airstream Bambi.
I knew the chances were slim I could survive off-grid in my Airstream all winter on my land and indeed, here are some of the fun stories from my last two weeks of craziness involving exploding water, Bigfoot horror, frozen septic valves, failing batteries and crashed drilling rigs, well... I reluctantly pulled up the stakes and headed to the RV Park in Winthrop. I won't lie: full hookups feel like luxury 5 star living!
Winter RV living in a snowy climate definitely seems to be a balancing act between insulation and air flow. Too much of either is bad, too little of either is bad. So far it seems that staying warm is the easy part! Who would have thought?
When little to no snow accumulation becomes more like 10" and for the first time you feel really good about your decision to live in an Airstream all winter!
After several weeks of preparing for winter, working on the property, and learning a lot of hard lessons, last week was full of progress and play. Things are slowly falling into place!
I learned a lot during one of the most challenging and demoralizing weeks I've had thus far while off-grid RV living and bounced back with one of the best weeks I've had so far!
When a few hours of strong north winds send everything to hell in a handbasket.
I finally settled my Airstream onto my own land not quite two weeks ago in late October and then was promptly hit with a new set of challenges: a snow storm and record low temperatures.
I just made it 30 days living in my little 19' Airstream Bambi and this incredibly simple, rewarding life makes me feel more free and happy than I have in a long, long time.
At the end of August I jumped into off-grid solar-powered living in my 19' Airstream Bambi. I had no idea if it would work, but my ZAMP 180-watt panel has kept me going for 17 days! It's been a simple, enjoyable couple of weeks that definitely make me appreciate the little things!
For many years I've dreamed of owning an Airstream and that dream finally came true! Never let obstacles stand in the way of you and your dreams, even if it takes some extra time to get there. The journey is worth it!